Steve Jobs

1 07 2009

sj2sj1Steven “Steve” Paul Jobs, born 24-02-1955, is the co-founder of Apple. He was born in San Francisco and was adoptet by Paul and Clara Jobs.
After High School, he went to college but left after the first semester. His first job was to develop a game for Atari, with Steve Wozniak, the other co-founder of Apple. They founded Apple and produced the first Computer in Jobs’ garage. The first CEO, chief executive,
came from Peps-Cola. After a few years Jobs was kicked off from Apple. Then he founded the computer company NeXT which had advanced computer technology but was dismissed by industry even though they had great success such as theWorld-Wide-Web. Later Apple bought
NeXT and Jobs returned in a leading position. Today, the Apple computers still have a NeXT design. After the CEO got kicked off, Jobs
got the job. He also founded Pixar Studios, a movie group. The most succesfull movies were Nemo and The Incredibles. Today Jobs
is one of the richest persons in the world with a net worth about 3.4 billion US$ (Forbes). He is married to Laurene Powell and has 3
children with her. He also has a daughter from Chrisann Brennan. But Jobs is not going to be be the CEO from Apple any longer,
after 2009 he will retire because of his cancerous tumour. But still, Jobs is one of the persons who changed the world.



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